Basic settings

  • Last update on November 22nd, 2024

Table of Contents

This couple of basic settings help identify your tenant. 

Tenant domain name

Enter your tenant's domain name in the following format:

The domain entered here can be any domain associated with the tenant. 

The domain name is used to identify the tenant you are installing across the internet. You can get the domain name from the Entra ID admin center.

Example of tenant domain name accepted by Configuration Manager.

Display name

The display name is a custom name given to each tenant and is used to identify the tenant within the Configuration Manager app. 

We recommend setting up a naming system that is clear for your tenants, making it simple for you to identify which tenant you are working with when using Configuration Manager.

The display name must meet the following requirements:

  • Must only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters
    • Can include dashes or underscores
  • No spaces
  • At least four characters long
    • It is strongly recommended to be at least seven characters long so you can use variables with Configuration Manager
  • Cannot be the word "baseline" as this is reserved for Configuration Manager configuration files
  • The first 12 characters must be unique amongst other tenant display names in your Configuration Manager instance

A good practice is to indicate in the display name whether the tenant being installed is a baseline or a downstream.

Please note that it is not possible to change the name of a baseline tenant later.

Example of display name accepted by Configuration Manager.