Starting the new application wizard

  • Last update on September 27th, 2024

This is the initial step in the packaging process. It sets the foundation for creating a new application package that can be managed and deployed across multiple tenants..

Process to Start the New Application Wizard

To begin the process of packaging a new application with Configuration Manager's App Builder, follow the steps below.

Access the Configuration Manager Portal

Log into your Configuration Manager account and navigate to the App Builder section within the portal.

Select Your Tenant

Choose the tenant where you want to create the application package. Typically, this would be your baseline tenant if you're planning to deploy the application across multiple tenants.

Initiate New Application

Look for and click on the "+ NEW APPLICATION" button. This action will launch the New Application Wizard.

Choose Application Type

In the wizard, you'll be prompted to select the application type. Your options are:

  • Win32: For most Windows applications distributed as .exe files
  • MSI: For applications packaged as Microsoft Installer files

Continue to Next Steps

After selecting the application type, click “CONTINUE” to proceed with the wizard.

It's important to note that if you've selected Win32 as your application type, the next step will involve downloading an empty placeholder file (empty.intunewin). 

The next step is preparing the Intune Win File