Add a note

  • Last update on January 20th, 2025

You can add custom notes to any individual configurations. You can use this annotation function in whatever way is most useful to you for organizing and documenting configurations.

Why use notes?

Notes get indexed as part of the configuration data, so you can use the search bar feature to find configurations with specific notes or to search through your notes.

You can use these notes to organize configurations into different categories or as tags.
For instance, imagine you want to tag and search all the "Level 1 security policies". You can write “#L1” in the configurations notes. Then, go to the search, type “#L1,” and it will pull up all configurations tagged “#L1”. Finally, you can select them all and deploy them to a downstream tenant.

Using the search function to look for notes. 

In addition, you can also add notes to document or categorize your configurations, to indicate specific requirements for managing the configuration, or to note why a configuration is hidden. 

Identify configurations with notes

Configurations with a note are identifiable because they have a speech bubble icon next to the name. Hovering over the speech bubble will display the note.

Notes are identified by a speech bubble icon.

Manage notes from an individual configuration

Add a note to an individual configuration

To add a note to a configuration, click on the icon with the three vertical dots (⋮). Then click on “Note” and add your note.

Adding a note to a configuration under a Configuration Type.

Edit/remove a note from an individual configuration

If you want to edit or remove a note from a configuration, just click on the icon with the three vertical dots (⋮). Then click on “Note”. You will see the previously written note in the textbox. From here, you can modify or delete it.

To edit a note, select the three dots, click “Note” and edit or remove your text. 

Manage notes from Configuration Types

Add notes from a Configuration Type

Adding a note from a Configuration Type means applying the note to all configurations within that Configuration Type row.
To do this, click on the icon with the three vertical dots (⋮). Then click on “Note all” and add your note.

To add a note, click on the three dots and select “Note all.”

Edit/remove notes applied from a Configuration Type

You can edit the note of an individual configuration by clicking the icon with the three vertical dots and selecting “Note”. You will see the note that you wrote and applied from the Configuration Type. 

From here, you can delete or modify the text of the note. The modification will only impact the note related to the individual configuration you are editing.

Edit the note for an individual configuration.

Remove all the notes applied from a Configuration Type

To delete all the notes from the individual configurations applied from the Configuration Type, click on the icon with the three vertical dots again and select “Clear all notes”. 

Remember that this will delete the notes from all configurations within that Configuration Type row.

“Clear all notes” option available when clicking the three dots icon.

Search notes from the search bar

To search for configurations through the content of the notes, open the search bar

In the search bar, type the keywords you are looking for in the notes. The results will show you the configurations that have the searched words in the notes. You can identify them because the speech bubble icon will be yellow. Hovering over the speech bubble will display the note's content.

The icon of the note is displayed as yellow in the search page. 

Clicking on the icon will open the modal to edit or delete the note.

To learn how to perform a reconciliation with filtered configurations, refer to the documentation related to the search bar.