Custom actions are not available in the Essentials solution.
If you need to retrieve a distribution list group owner, you can use the following script:
In PowerShell:
To get for one group.
Get-DistributionGroup | select PrimarySmtpAddress, @{n= "ManagedBy"; e={$_.ManagedBy | foreach {(Get-Mailbox $_).PrimarySMTPAddress}}}
To get for all groups
Get-DistributionGroup | select PrimarySmtpAddress, @{n= "ManagedBy"; e={$_.ManagedBy | foreach {(Get-Mailbox $_).PrimarySMTPAddress}}}
We can also filter groups and get the list.
In a CoreView custom action:
"id": "fb151941-aaa7-4200-bcfa-e19dcf03728e",
"title": "Get DL Owner",
"lastModified": "2021-11-11T11:24:39.3090000Z",
"target": "DistributionGroup",
"tags": [],
"vars": [],
"params": [
"name": "Name",
"type": "string",
"isDefault": true
"columns": {
"Name": ""
"version": 4,
"statement": "param ([string]$Name)\r\n\r\n$Manager = Get-DistributionGroup $Name | select PrimarySmtpAddress, @{n= \"ManagedBy\"; e={$_.ManagedBy | foreach {(Get-Mailbox $_).PrimarySMTPAddress}}}\n$DLOwner = $Manager.ManagedBy\n\n$json = @\"\n{\n\"OwnerEmailAddress\": \"$DLOwner\"\n}\n\"@ \nreturn $json"