Custom actions are not available in the Essentials solution.
Use the following CoreView custom action script to import user photos to Exchange in bulk through a SharePoint site.
Custom action script:
$myUrlSite = "https://<Domain>"
$format = ".jpeg"
#retrieve the current ps credential object from the sharepoint connection
$cred = Get-PnPConnection
#here you have to change the site context because we use the admin site when we open a Sharepoint connection
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $myUrlSite -Credentials ($cred.PSCredential)
$photos = @(Get-PnPFolderItem -FolderSiteRelativeUrl "photos" -ItemType File)
foreach( $photo in $photos){
if( $photo.Name.Contains("@<Domain name>.com")){
$memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
$streamResult = $photo.OpenBinaryStream()
$streamResult.Value.CopyTo( $memoryStream)
$imageArray = $memoryStream.ToArray()
Set-UserPhoto -Identity $photo.Name.Replace($format, '') -PictureData $imageArray -Confirm: $false