CoreView script include for ServiceNow

  • Last update on December 5th, 2023

Script include allows server side code to be called from client side and business rules. More information on the ServiceNow documentation.

Structure of the script include

This script include has two functions. 

  1. The main function CVWorkflowCall is for client side calls using glide ajax. 
  2. The second one, CVWorkflowCall_BR allows business rules to pass parameters into the workflow execution. 

Both functions are almost identical and are only differentiated by the way parameters are passed.

Main code

Read/copy the script include code

var CoreViewWorkflowCall = Class.create();
CoreViewWorkflowCall.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {

	CVWorkflowCall :function(){
	var CVWorkflowID = this.getParameter('sysparm_CVWorkflowID');
	var CVWorkflowParams = this.getParameter('sysparm_CVWorkflowParams');
	//Building the CoreView workflow call
	var authUrl = ''; //url to auth to CoreView
	var authToken = '**********m1K-PAFbI4lAaO'; //CoreView api auth token
	var companyId = '**********bdfe1a974a345ea3042d4b'; //internal CoreView ID for company tenant

	//Get an access token from CoreView
	var jwtRequest = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2(); 
	jwtRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "Application/json"); //needed for CoreView workflow v2
	jwtRequest.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + authToken);
	var jwtResponse = jwtRequest.executeAsync(); 
	var jwtBody = jwtResponse.getBody(); 
	var jwtToken = JSON.parse(jwtBody); 
	var jwt = jwtToken.bearerToken;
	// Workflow call Variables.
	var workflowUrl = '';
	var workflowPath = '/api/executions/';
	var workflowId = CVWorkflowID; //workflow being called in CoreView passed from glideajax in client script
	//Execute the call back to the CoreView api to run the workflow
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setEndpoint(workflowUrl + workflowPath + workflowId);
	request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "Application/json");
	request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + jwt);
	request.setRequestHeader("x-scompany", companyId);
	request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "Application/json"); //needed for CoreView
workflow v2
request.setRequestBody(CVWorkflowParams); //workflow params passed from glideajax in client script, JSON was stringified before the call
	var response = request.executeAsync(); 
	var responseBody = response.getBody();
	CVWorkflowCall_BR :function(CVWorkflowID, CVWorkflowParams){

	//Building the CoreView workflow call
	var authUrl = ''; //url to auth to CoreView
	var authToken = '**********m1K-PAFbI4lAaO'; //CoreView api auth token
	var companyId = '**********bdfe1a974a345ea3042d4b'; //internal CoreView ID for company tenant
	//Get an access token from CoreView
	var jwtRequest = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	jwtRequest.setEndpoint(authUrl); jwtRequest.setHttpMethod('post');
	jwtRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "Application/json"); //needed for CoreView workflow v2
	jwtRequest.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + authToken);
	var jwtResponse = jwtRequest.executeAsync();
	var jwtBody = jwtResponse.getBody();
	var jwtToken = JSON.parse(jwtBody);
	var jwt = jwtToken.bearerToken;
	// Workflow call Variables.
	var workflowUrl = '';
	var workflowPath = '/api/executions/';
	var workflowId = CVWorkflowID; //workflow being called in CoreView passed from glideajax in client script
	//Execute the call back to the CoreView api to run the workflow
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();

	request.setEndpoint(workflowUrl + workflowPath + workflowId);
	request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "Application/json");
	request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + jwt);
	request.setRequestHeader("x-scompany", companyId);
	request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "Application/json"); //needed for CoreView workflow v2
	request.setRequestBody(CVWorkflowParams); //workflow params passed from glideajax in client script, JSON was stringified before the call

	var response = request.executeAsync(); response.waitForResponse(60);
	var responseBody = response.getBody();

	type: 'CoreViewWorkflowCall'

Business rules

The business rule can use minimal code to pass parameters into the function of the script include and can be triggered based off of specific tables and items. More information on the ServiceNow documentation.

Read/copy the business rules code

(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) { 

	// Add your code here

	var workflowParams = {
		FirstName: current.variables.requested_user.u_displayname.getValue(),
		UserServiceNowSys_ID: current.variables.requested_user.getValue(),
		ServiceNowID: current.getUniqueValue() //gets the sys_id of the item
	var WorkflowID = "4e0a550d-72b5-43d4-865e-3f4d3f401873"; //ID of workflow to execute in CoreView
	var wfcall = new CoreViewWorkflowCall(); 
	wfcall.CVWorkflowCall_BR(WorkflowID, JSON.stringify(workflowParams));

})(current, previous);

Client catalog script

Allows server side code to be run using client side execution. The following code is meant to be used for onSubmit actions. More information on the ServiceNow documentation.

Read/copy the client catalog script

function onSubmit() {

	//Type appropriate comment here, and begin script below
	//build the workflow json and then pass it to the script include via a glideajax call 
	var workflowParams = {
		FirstName: g_form.getReference('requested_user').u_displayname,
		ServiceNowID: g_form.getUniqueValue() //gets the sys_id of the item 

	var WorkflowID = "4e0a550d-72b5-43d4-865e-3f4d3f401873"; //ID of workflow to execute in CoreView

	//glideajax call to execute workflow server side script
	var ga = new GlideAjax('CoreViewWorkflowCall');
	ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'CVWorkflowCall'); 
	ga.addParam('sysparm_CVWorkflowID', WorkflowID);
	ga.addParam('sysparm_CVWorkflowParams', JSON.stringify(workflowParams));
	ga.getXML(); //execute glideajax call 


To understand how to use the script include, follow the practical example.