Virtual Tenants and permissions

  • Last update on August 9th, 2024

Virtual Tenants are not available in the Essentials and Professional solutions.


Assigning operators to V-Tenants

When you set up V-Tenants, you have the option to designate administrators and operators for each one. Their visibility and management of users, groups, resources, and settings will be restricted within their specified V-Tenant, as established by your filtering criteria. As a result, they cannot interact with or access any components outside their designated Virtual Tenant.

Operator roles and permissions

You can allocate specific Permission Sets to each administrator or operator. These permissions define their roles and responsibilities within their V-Tenant, ensuring they focus solely on their designated tasks.

For details on configuring operator roles and permissions and how they relate to V-Tenants, please see the articles below:


Segmenting your environment with V-Tenants enhances security by giving you precise control over what administrators or operators can access and manage. By narrowly defining their operational scope, you significantly lower the risk of unauthorized data access.

Least Privilege model

Incorporating Permission Sets within V-Tenants also facilitates the adoption of the “Least Privilege” principle. This security best practice grants users only the essential access or permissions they need to fulfill their job functions. This approach is key to minimizing the potential for harm due to inadvertent or intentional misuse of access rights.