How to view registered Apps with CoreView

  • Last update on July 26th, 2024

Automating the monitoring of app activities within Entra ID can be achieved using CoreView. This approach eliminates the need for manual audit requests, allowing for real-time tracking of recent activities with customizable filters. Here’s how to set it up and create an event-based policy that alerts you when an app is registered or modified. 

Accessing CoreView and viewing Audit logs

  1. Log into CoreView by navigating to
  2. Click on the Audit icon.
  3. Proceed to Entra ID Activities by selecting Entra ID, then clicking on Entra ID Activities.

From this point, you'll have access to all the same details as Purview, but with a significant advantage: there's no need to manually request an audit. For instance, you can explore all recent activities by applying filters as needed. Let's see how:

Filtering Activities

To explore activities, proceed as follows: 

  1. Use the filter icon in the Operation column to refine your search.
  2. Add the activities you wish to monitor, such as:
    • Add app role assignment grant to user
    • Add delegated permission grant
    • Add service principal
    • and more
  3. Apply the filter to update the spreadsheet with your specified criteria.

Creating an event-based custom policy for alerts

To create an event-based custom policy, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Set Up the Policy

  1.  Initiate by clicking on Actions and selecting Create Custom Policy.
  1. Provide a title and description for your policy, add it to a category, and optionally create a playbook.
  2. Enable the policy for immediate activation, then click Next.

Step 2: configure policy definition

In the policy defition tab:

  1. In the audit spreadsheet, filter the Operation column by the actions you're monitoring.
  2. Apply the filter.
  1. Customize the viewable columns by using the eye icon, selecting the necessary columns, then click Next.

Step 3: enable remediation to set up automatic email notifications

In the Remediation action tab:

  1. Enable remediation by toggling the appropriate switch.
  2. Choose Send notification and select the recipients for the notification emails.
  3. Click Next to proceed.

Step 4: review the details

To finalize the process:

  1. Review the summary of what the custom policy entails.
  2. Save the policy to activate it.

Receiving Automated Notifications

Once active, the policy will send out automatic notification emails containing a spreadsheet with the latest app registration activities and permissions, including timestamps. This feature ensures you stay informed of all significant app activity within your Entra ID environment in real-time.