How to onboard a partner as a distributor

  • Last update on August 1st, 2024


In CoreView's Partner App, it is now possible for distributors to independently create new partners, streamline the onboarding process, and efficiently manage their accounts. With the ability to add partners and set expiration dates, distributors can now grow their network effortlessly. This article covers the main onboarding and partner management features: 

  • Add partner.
  • Convert a partner to a “Production” account.

Add customers

To create a partner, distributors can use the “Add partner” option, found under the “Action” menu on the “Partners” page. 

When initiating the process, distributors need to provide the following information:

  1. Organization name: enter the name of the partner’s organization. 
  2. Notification email: specify the email address where the CoreView activation link will be sent.

Once all the required details are entered, click the “Apply” button to create the partner tenant and send the activation link to the specified email address. The partner tenant is initially created as a TRIAL account on CoreView and will expire within two weeks from its creation. The partner will be linked to the distributor tenant and inherit the same SKUs the distributor tenant has. 

Convert a partner to a “Production” account 

Partners added through the new “Add customer” feature are initially created as TRIAL accounts with an expiration period of two weeks. After the trial period, the account will automatically upgrade to a production status. You'll be notified by email before this change occurs.

To adjust this setting and manage automatic upgrades, you can select the “Manage subscription upgrade” option.

To manually convert a partner to a production account use the “Convert to production account” action.  

Here are the steps:

  1. Select the partner (the “Subscription level” field must equal “TRIAL”).
  2. From the action menu, choose “Convert to production account”.
  3. In the panel that opens, you can set a new expiration date.

By converting a partner to a production account, you extend their access beyond the trial period and grant them full access to CoreView's features and capabilities.


Converting a partner to production status will initiate billing for that MSP's production tenants to the distributor.