Install a baseline tenant

  • Last update on January 20th, 2025

This is the process within Configuration Manager to install a baseline tenant, including if it's the first tenant you are installing.

Get ready for baseline tenant installation

First, ensure that you are properly prepared for baseline tenant installation.

A couple of notes on baseline installation

The baseline is a Microsoft 365 tenant that contains a set of configurations to which your tenants will align.  

Configuration Manager requires at least one baseline be installed.


Please note that:

  • If you are installing your first tenant, this will be a baseline.
  • You can install as many additional baselines as you need.

Installation steps 

The following steps will guide you through the installation process. For each step, an in-depth article is provided and linked:

Navigation when accessing for the first time

If you are accessing Configuration Manager for the first time, you will be directed to the tenants page.

The button explains that the first step is to install your baseline tenant. When you click this button, you are brought to the baseline install page: 

See below how to proceed with the baseline tenant installation. 


Afterwards, you will land in the “Add a baseline tenant” page:

Configuring tenant information and settings

Tenant info: basic settings

Define the domain and display name of your tenant.

Basic settings: tenant domain and display name.

Authentication method

If you wish to use “User account authentication”, choose the method by which Configuration Manager authenticates into the tenant: Service Account or delegated authentication.

This is an important choice and should be aligned with your organization's security posture. Don't be caught unprepared! Refer to our guide to help you decide. 

Authentication method: “User account authentication” enabled; method selection.

Service Principal authentication

A Service Principal is required to assist in tenant authentication and configuration management. 

Configuration Manager will create a service principal in the tenant at install time. If you would prefer, you can bring your own custom service principal!


Link an Azure subscription

Enable this option if you have an Azure subscription in the tenant and would like Configuration Manager to manage the configurations associated with that subscription. 

Link an Azure Subscription option.

Approval group selection

Choose which group of users has the authority to approve or reject changes made to the tenant configurations. Please note that the default group is ”Contributors”.

Selection of approval group.

Agent pool selection

Configuration Manager offers the ability to choose where your Sync operations run through the agent pool feature. While syncs typically run on Microsoft-hosted agents by default, you can select self-hosted agents for enhanced control and security compliance.

Agent pools can be selected either from the Sync page as well. 


Install as backup only

Checking this box will restrict Syncs to only perform export operations. No preview operations will be conducted, and configuration deployments will not be attempted for this tenant, ensuring a more stable overall operation.

Install as a backup only option.

You will be able to change authentication method, custom service principal, the link to the Azure Subscription, agent pool, approval group or reinstall the tenant as a backup only at a later time.


Launch the installation 

When everything is configured, you can launch the installation by pressing “Add”.

Launch the installation.