Conflicting with

  • Last update on September 26th, 2024

Shows the configurations that exist in both of your tenants but with different property values.

Conflicting configurations. 

Keep/remove the configuration

You can choose to keep the downstream configuration or to use the baseline value for a given Configuration Type (and all its configurations) or individual configurations by selecting or deselecting the respective checkbox:

  • If the checkbox is selected, the configuration will remain unchanged in the downstream tenant.
  • If the checkbox is deselected, the configuration will be replaced with that of the baseline tenant.
Check and Uncheck options in the “Conflicting with” tab.

 Change properties values

You can resolve conflicts individual configuration properties. 

View differences

Click on the “View” button to see the properties of individual configurations.

The screen is composed of three columns:

  1. The property name
  2. The property value in the downstream tenant
  3. The property value in the baseline tenant
Columns show: property name, property value in downstream tenant, property value in baseline tenant.

Your selected values are highlighted in a blue rectangle.

A blue rectangle highlights when different values are detected.

You can also highlight the differences (e.g., in JSON snippets) between the property values by enabling the checkbox labeled "Show diff" at the top:

  • Strings highlighted in red belong only to the baseline
  • Strings highlighted in green belong only to the downstream
  • Unhighlighted strings are identical
The “Show diff” checkbox displays differences in values.

Apply changes

You can apply changes:

  • To all properties at once
  • To individual properties

To apply a change to all properties, use the selector at the top of the page. You can choose whether to keep the property values of the downstream tenant or apply those of the baseline tenant. Using all baseline values is the same action as selecting the checkbox on the main Reconcile page.

Apply a change to all properties by using the selector at the top of the page.

Similarly, you can decide to keep the property value of the downstream tenant or replace it with that of the baseline for individual properties. Use the selectors for the various properties.

Use the selector of the single property to keep or replace a value.

Once done, click the “X” at the top to apply the changes.

Select the “x” at the top right to save changes and exit.

Advanced options

From the drop-down menu of individual configurations, you can:

  • Copy to: copy the configuration to another downstream tenant
  • Move to: move the configuration to the associated baseline tenant. The configuration will be present in both the downstream and baseline tenants, and thus visible in the “Matching” section.
Actions available for Configurations: “Copy to,” “move to.”