Understanding the Optimization Center

  • Last update on August 26th, 2024

The Optimization Center is designed to identify license savings opportunities. From this report, you can review unused, duplicated, or over-allocated licenses, and you can see users who are not taking advantage of the features enabled by their licenses. The ultimate goal is to optimize the licenses assigned to users and to free up more expensive licenses for those users who need them.  

Note: please click on the tabs to see relevant data.

Saving opportunities 

The “Saving opportunities” report is based on three different saving drivers: disabled licensed users, inactive licensed users, and over-licensed users. This report focuses on “primary licenses”, those Microsoft 365 and Office 365 licenses that provide the essential apps to the users. The list of licenses defined as ‘primary’ are the ones part of:

  • Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) 
  • Microsoft 365 Enterprise 
  • Microsoft 365 Frontline 
  • Office 365 Enterprise 
  • Microsoft 365 GOV 
  • Office 365 GOV 
  • Microsoft 365 Educational 
  • Office 365 Educational 
  • Microsoft 365 Business 
  • Microsoft 365 Apps

The definition of the savings drivers is as follows:  

  • Disable licensed users: users with a primary license and blocked credentials 
  • Inactive licensed users: enabled users with ALL primary licenses inactive for at least 90 days. This uses the “IsActive90” field.  
  • Over-licensed users: enabled users with more than one primary license, at least one of which is active.  

Calculating IsActive90 

IsActive90 (and IsActive30) is a field calculated by CoreView based on a number of different attributes. Below are the attributes that contribute to IsActive90.  

Application Rule
Exchange Exchange Plan not empty AND Last Exchange User Action within last 90 days AND RecipientType = UserMailBox. If "Skip Active MailUser" is false, then we also consider RecipientType=MaillUser
OneDrive OneDrive Plan not empty AND Last OneDrive Action within last 90 days 
SharePoint SharePoint Plan not empty AND SharePoint Last Action within last 90 days 
Viva Engage Viva Engage Plan not empty AND Viva Engage Last Activity Date within last 90 days 
Teams Teams Plan not empty AND Teams Last Activity Date within last 90 days 
PowerBI PowerBiPro Plan not empty AND Power BI Last Action within last 90 days  
Skype Skype Plan not empty AND Last Skype Logon within last 90 days 
Office 365 Installations Office365Pro Plan not empty AND M365 Client App Last Activity Date within last 90 days 
CRM CRM last activity date within last 90 days AND SKU is in the following list: [“Dynamics CRM","Dynamics 365","DYN365","CRM","D365","Dynamics_365"]


The Licenses report replaces the License Optimization report in the legacy UX. This report allows you to see which users are using products/services associated with a given license. This report allows you to reassign or disable licenses where necessary and engage with users who are not leveraging their licenses to their full extent.

Advanced Filters 

The Advanced Filters allow you to narrow down on users that have combinations of license and application usage.  They provide two purposes 1) they act as filter criteria 2) they provide a running total of matching records.  For example, let’s say in a tenant of 1000 users, 50 have E5s, once you filter to show E5s, the Usage map will recalculate the services/applications being used by those 50 users.  

Note that the Advanced Filters count also respects the column filters that may have already been applied.  


License by user 

The “License by user” report flattens out the license data for users to make it easier to find users who have combinations of licenses.  It gives an overview of how your Office 365 licenses are distributed and utilized across your users. It provides each user’s full name, login name, Subscription type, and licenses for Office web apps such as the Exchange license, Skype license, SharePoint license, and Office Professional Plus license.  

Service usage 

The “Service usage” tab helps you quickly and easily understand which licenses are being used across your organization, as well as the cost associated with them. You can track and analyze usage metrics departmentally, by domain, or by other criteria to get a full view of the costs and usage of your organization's licenses. From the “Advanced filters” panel you can exclude newly created users and hide the costs columns for better readability.  

Duplicated plans

The “Duplicated plans” tab is designed to help you effortlessly identify users who have been assigned licenses with overlapping service plans. This feature is particularly useful for pinpointing licenses that could be repurposed, offering a more detailed view than what is available under the “Saving opportunities” or “Licenses” tabs.

To modify licenses and properties directly from this tab, just click on a user. A management panel will appear, showcasing all possible management actions. This streamlined process facilitates efficient license management and optimization.

Management actions are not included in the Essentials solution.