Create Virtual Tenants

  • Last update on February 3rd, 2025

Virtual Tenants are not available in the Essentials and Professional solutions, but they can be purchased as an add-on.


CoreView's Virtual Tenants can be customized to meet your organization's specific needs. For comprehensive information, refer to the “Virtual Tenants: overview” article.

Useful information before starting

Please note that there is no limit on the number of Virtual Tenants that can be created. However, an operator can be assigned a maximum of 50 V-Tenants.


Configuration shortcuts

During setup, you can skip steps by selecting the desired section from the left-hand menu.

User inclusion

Including users is a basic requirement in creating a Virtual Tenant. It's important to decide whether to adopt an inclusive or exclusive approach regarding the visibility of groups from other organizational units. This decision is a key consideration in your Virtual Tenant's design.

License Pool configuration as an alternative

Organizations may choose not to create Virtual Tenants and use their License Pools configuration as a substitute. This might suit smaller organizations whose License Pool structure aligns with their Virtual Tenant preferences. However, this approach is typically not recommended.

Creating a new Virtual Tenant

Add new

Click “+Add new” on the right side of the screen.

General info

  • Enter the Virtual Tenant's name and an optional description. 
  • The “Company” field is pre-filled and non-editable.

Tenants (Multi-tenant organizations only)

  • Select the desired “Domain(s)” from the list. The “Configuration applied” confirmation message will appear in the sidebar.
  • If you select more than one item, you can click on “Show selected” to see the complete list. 
Tenants configuration


Determine the groups visible to operators, tailoring the scope to fit your organization's needs.


Select the group domain from the list to specify visibility.

Domain filters

Apply filters for distribution groups, security groups, and Microsoft 365 groups. According to Microsoft documentation, their purposes are as follows:

  • Distribution groups: ideal for sending email notifications to multiple users.
  • Security groups: provide access control to resources, like SharePoint sites.
  • Microsoft 365 groups: facilitate user collaboration.
  1. Choose the required group type and click “+Add filter”.
General tab in Filter by distribution group
  1. Specify filter criteria:
    • In the “Name” search field, enter the attribute you want to filter by.
    • Select an operation for the filter, such as “Contains,” “Greater than,” “Less than,” or “Equals.”
    • Define the value for the selected operation to refine your data filter.
    • Optionally, use logical operators like AND or OR to combine or separate filter criteria.

Be aware that these filters interact with each other during the creation of a V-Tenant. Adding a domain filter will influence the behavior of any subsequently added filters.



Manage which users operators can access. This includes user objects such as resource accounts.

Delegation filters

Define users based on user record attributes. You can apply multiple filters using logical operators, as needed. 

Domain filters

This filter applies exclusively to the UPN domain of account objects. 

  1. Search for a Domain:
    • Enter the desired domain in the search field under “Domain.”
    • To review multiple selections, click “Show selected” for a full list.
  1.  Apply group filters:
    • Choose from distribution, security, and Microsoft 365 groups.
    • Select the groups you wish to make accessible to operators.

Phone Numbers 

To empower delegated administrators with the management of phone numbers, you may create or update your Virtual Tenants to include number details. Please refer to the “Assigning Phone Numbers to Virtual Tenants” article to learn more.

Teams holiday

In this section, you can apply a custom filter on the holiday names, which will be reflected in the “Holidays” report.Users under the V-Tenant will only see the filtered holidays, making it easier for them to manage the holidays they are responsible for. For example, you can set the filter to show all holidays with names starting with “US”.

Additionally, this filter will be applied to the Holiday and Auto-attendant management actions performed by operators with the same V-Tenant applied.


Devices can be configured using “Delegation filters” and by filtering them using security groups.

Delegation filters

The “Delegation filter”allows you to specify data for any device by selecting an attribute, setting the filtering criteria, and entering the desired value(s).

  • Navigate to the “Delegation filters” tab.
  • Select “+Add filter” to define your criteria.

 To refine your search, you can combine multiple filters using logical operators.

Filter by security groups

To filter devices by security groups:

  • Mark the checkboxes next to the items you wish to include from the list provided.
  • If you select multiple items, click “Show selected” to review your complete selection.

Organizational Units

To define conditions for organizational units:

  1. Select the operation you want to apply to your selected item.
  2. Enter the value for the chosen operation. 

This functionality is specifically designed for Workflows. When executing a workflow that includes an “Organizational Units” dropdown for execution input, operators associated with a V-Tenant with this configuration will see a filtered list of options.

The “Configure exection input” interface of a workflow

A V-Tenant filter is exclusively applied at this stage of configuration.



Define which operators will be included in your Virtual Tenant.


Choose operators directly from a list provided:

  • Tick the boxes next to the desired operator(s).
  • To review all selected operators, click on “Show selected”.
Select members.

Filter by distribution, security and Microsoft 365 groups

Operators can be filtered by various group types:

  • Go to the "Filter by..." tab.
  • You can filter by distribution, security, and M365 groups, adjusting the scope of access as required by your organization.
  • Select the desired operators.
  • If you select more than one item, you can click on “Show selected” to see the complete list. 


After completing your configurations and populating your Virtual Tenant, take a moment to review your entries:

  • Review and edit the configuration details.
  • Click “Submit” to create your Virtual Tenant.

Your Virtual Tenant is now officially created.