Custom actions: overview

  • Last update on August 8th, 2024

Custom actions are not available in the Essentials solution.


What are custom actions?

Custom actions allow you to execute and delegate your PowerShell scripts within Coreview. Please consult our Custom action library to see a few examples.

Some knowledge of Microsoft PowerShell is required to create custom actions.


Custom actions are manually executed by operators with a “Management” role. However, they can be strung together into Workflows to allow for more complex levels of automation.  

Roles and permissions

Only Tenant Admins can create and manage custom actions.

Only users with a “Management” role can execute custom actions.


For more details, refer to the article on the roles and permissions required to create, manage, and execute custom actions. 

How to perform a custom action

To perform a custom action, you should follow these steps:

  1. Create a custom action.  
    You have the option to save it as a draft and run a preview of the custom action.  
  2. Submit your custom action for review.   
    A CoreView operator will review it within 24 hours and either approve it or reject it.  
  3. Execute a custom action.
    Custom actions can be executed from various sections of the CoreView app. 
  4. Publish your custom action.
    Make it visible and delegate it to other operators.

How to delegate a custom action

Custom actions can be delegated through permissions. They can also be subjected to the Virtual Tenant if they have a defined target.

Virtual Tenant

Virtual Tenants are not available in the Professional solution.


Items such as users or groups are delegated through the Virtual Tenant. Consequently, when these items are selected as custom action targets, the V-Tenant is also applied to the corresponding custom action. If no target is selected, the operator managing the custom action will be able to manipulate all objects, regardless of the virtual V-Tenant assigned to them.

Manage permissions

Once a custom action is published, tenant admins can incorporate it into the Permission Sets of other operators. For more information, please refer to the article on roles and permissions to learn more.