How to manage apps: overview

  • Last update on July 26th, 2024

Creating and managing app registrations in Microsoft Entra is a crucial task for many organizations. However, it's equally important to monitor changes, maintain control, and have the ability to revert modifications when necessary. This series of articles will guide you through managing app registrations in Microsoft Entra, from initial setup to ongoing monitoring and change control, introducing you to how CoreView and Simeon Cloud can help manage this process more effectively. 

Registering an app in Microsoft ID

We'll explore how to register an app in Microsoft Entra and use Microsoft Purview to visualize the changes made during the registration process. This will provide a foundation for understanding the app registration workflow and initial monitoring capabilities.

Keeping track of modifications

After creating an app, one of the key challenges is monitoring modifications. How can you effectively track changes made to your registered apps?

CoreView offers a solution by providing real-time monitoring of app activities within Entra ID, eliminating the need for manual audit requests. 

With CoreView, you can:

  • View real-time app activities in Entra ID
  • Filter specific operations like role assignments or permission changes
  • Set up alerts for new registrations or modifications by creating custom policies
  • Access audit logs without manual requests

Reverting Changes in App Registration

But what if you need to undo changes made during app registration? 

Simeon Cloud enables you to back up and restore your Entra ID configurations: reverting changes made during app registration provides a safety net for your app management processes.

With Simeon Cloud, you can:

  • Back up configurations before making alterations
  • Choose specific changes to revert
  • Review recent modifications in app registrations
  • Control the rollback process
  • Monitor the sync process for successful restoration

By understanding these tools and processes, you'll be better equipped to manage your app registrations effectively, ensuring both security and flexibility in your Microsoft Entra environment.