Duplicate License Templates

  • Last update on August 9th, 2024

License Templates are not available in the Essentials and Professional solutions.


License Templates can be duplicated due to various reasons, for example:

  • If you have a License Template that works well for a certain group of users, you can duplicate it to ensure consistency when assigning licenses to similar groups.
  • To save time,  by duplicating an existing template and making minor adjustments as needed.
  •  To test changes without affecting the original template. Duplicating the template allows you to make and test changes without risking the integrity of the original.
  • To have a backup. Duplicating a License Template can serve as a form of backup. If changes are made to the original template that later need to be reverted, having a duplicate can make this process easier.

To duplicate a License Template, please follow the steps below. 

Duplicate functionality

Step 1

  • Select a specific License Template by clicking on its row or checking the single item.
  • Select more than one License Template by checking the related checkboxes.
  • Click on the duplicate icon next to the checkbox.

Step 2

Next, click “Duplicate selected” (or the duplicate icon). You will be asked for confirmation: click “Proceed”, as shown below.

The duplicate is now available in your License Templates list.