List of properties in User reports

  • Last update on August 26th, 2024

Consult or download the PDF below containing the list of all properties for the User reports. 

The file includes the following columns:

  1. Property name: the name of the property as displayed in CoreView
  2. Description: the description of the property
  3. API method: the API method used to gather information for that property. Further information can be found in the article about data import
  4. Frequency: the frequency of updating the property. Further information can be found in the article about data retention

Description of some User Attributes

Days since last SharePoint action

This attribute represents the number of days that have elapsed since a user's last recorded action in SharePoint. It is specifically calculated for users who have been assigned a SharePoint service plan. The attribute is derived from internal user activity data collected through Microsoft's Graph API, specifically from SharePoint site usage details.


Number of items

This attribute returns the aggregate count of folders that are visible to you. Use the item counts in these folders to represent the total number of items visible to you and to eDiscovery searches. 

Source: Microsoft Learn


Last Entra ID logon

This attribute tracks only successful user logins. It does not record failed login attempts. The login time is recorded in UTC. This means the time may appear different for customers in various time zones.