Dashboards and reports

  • Last update on June 12th, 2024

What is the meaning of an “Inactive” license on a UserCard?

When a license is marked as “Inactive“ on a UserCard, it indicates that the license has not yet been used for any activity in any workload. Once a user's activity is tracked in any of the workloads associated with the license, the license status will be updated to “Active”. 
However, the “Inactive” status does not prevent the user from using the license, as they are still able to utilize its associated features and functionality.

Check this article for more details: Troubleshoot Active Users (License Usage) data


For reports like “savings opportunities” that display monthly snapshots, at what point in time are these snapshots captured?

The snapshot is taken on the last day of the month and displays data up to that point. For the current month, the data displayed will be from the last import.


If I recreate the license pool, will the savings opportunities be recalculated?

Yes, the saving opportunities report will be recalculated.


How do you define the column active plans?

The calculation logic for active plans is similar to that of license optimization. You can refer to this article for more information on how the activity is calculated: Understanding the Optimization center


How do you determine if a user is active in Exchange online?

To determine whether a user is active in Exchange Online, you can check the attribute called "Last Exchange User Action." This attribute records the last time the user performed any Exchange Online activity, such as sending an email or updating a calendar event. For more information on how to use this attribute to determine user activity, please refer to this article: Troubleshoot Active Users (License Usage) data 


How to export report?

The export function for reports is available under the “Actions” option, located in the upper right corner. You can download the report in the format of your preference: Excel, CSV, PDF.


Can you please advise how I can edit scheduled reports created by another operator to add another notification user? And, is there a way to delete the report scheduled by another operator?

You can only edit the scheduled reports that you have created. For reports created by other operators, you are not permitted to edit or delete them. However, you can duplicate them and then add or update the notification email.


We are observing different total counts of active licenses in the Subscriptions Center compared to the MS Admin Portal. We've identified that the discrepancy is due to the licenses that are in 'warning' status. Why does CoreView consider them?

CoreView counts licenses in the 'warning' status as active since they can still be utilized for an additional 30 days. Microsoft, however, does not count them, primarily for commercial reasons.


Why doesn't the message trace report return the expected results?

If you have the authority to manage the V-Tenant(s), please ensure that the sender and/or recipient is part of your V-Tenant(s). Also, bear in mind that the search is limited to the last 10 days, and it's not possible to search solely by domain when a V-Tenant has been applied.